Monday, January 12, 2009

Windows Live Writer

Microsoft has answers to almost everything. This is one among the several thousand software released by Microsoft. Windows Live writer is a must have for a professional blogger. I must say.

Live writer is a blogging Client. Not just for Live Spaces, but for all. Just download this software from here and zoom into the software to see what magic this software can do. Posting was never so easy.


Install Windows Live writer. Type in the username, password and your blog URL when asked. The Writer automatically detects what kind of template you use and downloads the template. If you are using a custom template, then the writer writes a post by itself to detect what kind of formatting your blogger needs, and soon after that the temporary post created post will be deleted. Since the template is downloaded onto your computer, working offline is so easy and user friendly. Inserting Pictures, Tables, videos and tags is easier than ever. Extra plug-ins can be added. Check out!

Software can be downloaded from this page.

Don't miss this.

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