Friday, February 13, 2009

Bangalore routes -

Haven't seen a site like this. Simply great! A new bangalore based startup has brought us this amazingly good and helpful website.

Bangalore is such a big city that remembering all the routes is not so possible. Now vidteq has brought this wonderful site that comes in handy if you are moving around in Bangalore. Vidteq gives you the complete direction for driving between any two places in Bangalore. Just enter the starting point and the destination place. Vidteq gives you the driving map on the right side of the screen and the driving directions at the left bottom of the screen. And above this driving directions, you get a video terminal which shows you a pre-shot video of that route. Being on time is easy now. :)



  1. Hey ! Good to know that people are liking the product. Thanks 4 ur appreciation

  2. good that u read! this product is real cool stuff! :)

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