People ask me this quite often. How to re-size hundreds of images the easy way?
The answer is quite simple if you are using Linux/Ubuntu. You need to install a package called image magick which could be installed by executing the following instruction in the terminal -
Once you have installed it, you can change the width of all the images in the current folder by executing this following instruction in terminal -
This changes the height of all the images in current folder to 600px.
To change the height to 600px, execute
mogrify is a tool present in the imagemagick package. To know more about imagemagick, visit their website.
The answer is quite simple if you are using Linux/Ubuntu. You need to install a package called image magick which could be installed by executing the following instruction in the terminal -
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
Once you have installed it, you can change the width of all the images in the current folder by executing this following instruction in terminal -
mogrify -resize 600 *
This changes the height of all the images in current folder to 600px.
To change the height to 600px, execute
mogrify -resize x600 *
mogrify is a tool present in the imagemagick package. To know more about imagemagick, visit their website.